Apparently I’m “offly big” at 4.5 months 😡

Nicole • Happily married ❤️ Dog & Cat Mom 🐕🐱 Soon to be first time mommy ❤️ 02-25-19 ❤️🤰🏼

I’m 18 weeks on Monday and all I continuously hear is how offly big I am for only being 18 weeks and people commenting on how they weren’t that big yet or didn’t show till they were at least 6 months. WTF! For starters I have always been small and started my pregnancy off at 107 pounds now 120. So what if I have a bump already it should be addressed as a beautiful thing not in a way that makes me feel big and unattractive. Maybe it’s just me being pregnant and overly sensitive but it hurts a little and makes it hard to want to wear clothes that show off my bump rather than baggy ones that hide it. Ugh! (Excuse my terrible picture taking)