Should we seperate? 😫

mamaB • Two girls 💕 pregnant with girl #3 due May 30th 2022 💓

This is hard to write.

My and my fiance have been having lots of arguments. Sometimes infront of our daughter that is 2 yo as well. We are under lots of financial stress and we also jusy had our second daughter a month ago. It feels we always argue about the same stupid stuff. At this point it almost feels as if we are roommates. He is a great dad, and even a good fiance but we have just been really annoying to eachother. Sometimes we can't stand eachother at all. I am a SAHM and barely find time to go out and socialise at like mommy groups, especially now with a new baby. So I would like to talk to my fiance but he is often just on his phone, I talk and he baarely responds. When I ask if I can have a bit of love and attention he just shrugs and says I am always mad about something and nothing he does is right. I try to be in a good mood when he comes from from work, but sometimes I am sleep deprived from waking up multiple times a night to nurse, and exhausted after a day of taking care of a 1 month old and a 2 yo. Preparing meals, trying to keep the home as tidy and organised as possible.

I just don't know at this point if we should stay together or not. I really want to because I just don't want a broken home and I have always wanted for us to grow old together, also thinking about when our kids are older and we can have our couples life back. Life is just really hard atm. Financially, emotionally for me postpartum, having 2 kids, not havinh enough money to go on outings, he has to work like crazy for us to survive. I feel insecure about my body. It's just all SO much at once and I often feel overwhelmed, and I know he feels the same too as he has lots of pressure to provide for us.

I love him but when we are under so much pressure and overwhelmed the worst in us comes out and we jusy annoy eachother to another level. I hate when we argue infront of our daughter. The only reason why I am thinking of seperating or going on a break is because I dont want our kids to see their parents angry with each other and bikering frequently. We try to keep it for when they are sleeping but sometimes the moment and annoyance gets the best of us.

I'd like to do couples counseling but we don't have the money at all atm.