Slightly Detached

So I hang out with 2 other girls. They both cool af but I be feeling like the third wheel sometimes. Like, they stay on social media so they be having they inside jokes. But when they show me, it be too late. Then like I don't really find it funny or catchy...? They are single so they mingle a lot and I don't be down for that all the time. But when ish hit the fan, thsts when we all hang out & I gotta help them get they shit together. And I really be feeling like the nerd of the group...I be wanting to kick it & study.... not running around or procrastinating ya know? I love our uniqueness in spirituality and loyalty. I guess that's why we are good friends.I don't befriend females too often bc ugh girls just get weird & too emotional sometimes (I am a female ) guys understand me more & I understand them more. But anyways, they are now going to play tennis together and idk I feel like I'd feel more detached. I do have a Man, but he works and we have limited quality time. (I'm a Jr at a university )idk I play it cool. But I just thought I should come here before I express this to my friends.