Old Wives Tales

shinabhfuil • Married Aug 2018, Our 🌈 Baby was born July 23rd 2019, Pregnant with Baby No.2

The last few months of TTC have just been stressful and less enjoyable each month, so this month I decided no opk's and no pregnancy tests (unless af is late)!

Just for the fun of it and to keep things interesting I'm trying out some old wives tales for helping to conceive. One of the one's I'm testing out is putting an elephant under the bed 😂 (elephants are meant to be a sign of fertility!)

So I'm intrigued have any of you tried other old wives tales? Do you believe some of them work? What old wives tales have you heard of for helping to conceive?

(My hubby was also told by a psychic/medium that he has the ability to sometimes see things happen before they happen, and in the last week he has had 2 vivid dreams of me being in labor 😂, wonder if this is a sign that our rainbow baby will happen this month)