I need inspiration ladies!!! 😔

Jasmine • Live, Love, Laugh 💕

Btw this is my first pregnancy ever so all this is new to me. I went in for my first ultrasound Friday which I should have been 8 weeks calculated from my last period, and my doctor couldn’t find anything! Absolutely NOTHING! She told me she wasn’t worried at all and that she thinks I’m more like 5 and half to 6 weeks and not 8. So she had me do blood work to test my hcg and called me 2 hours later and said it’s at 1000 which makes since and why she can’t see anything and that number is in the 5-6 week range and you need at least be at 1500 to see something. She wants me to do more blood work to make sure it’s rising next week and do another ultrasound in 2 weeks and we should be able to see everything. Has this ever happened to any of you ladies and you went back 2 weeks later and everything was fine??!!