TTC with irregular cycles... help!


Anyone with irregular cycles help me out. I am still breastfeeding my one year old so I know my cycles are crazy.

I had two days of a “period” 9/8 and 9/9 then it was done. Wasn’t particularly heavy. That would have been CD 31 and 32.

I just had spotting again not heavy at all but red for one day and even lighter for a second day 9/18 and 9/19. That was just when I wiped. Not heavy enough to be a “period” I don’t think.

I am so confused as to what is going on. This is not my first post partum cycle. I have had AF back since about 5 or 6 months after my son was born.

Does anyone have any insight?? I have done OPKs and I temp but the OPKs tend to be positive or almost positive a lot. My charting is hit and miss because my LO is still up at least 2 times a night.

Any help is greatly appreciated!! Thanks!