Mass emotions!!!


I’m 37 and pregnant with my 4th child. At time of birth kids will be 9, 7 and 6 and I will be 38. Hubby and I made this decision to have one more bundle of joy, we didn’t feel like we were done but now at 7w I’m feeling completely overwhelmed. My kids are animals haha, they attract chaos and noise, they are so messy!! Friends don’t invite us over cause we bring the noise haha. They are polite and kind and awesome but a lot. Now I’m feeling like I can’t do this. I’m feeling left out, like i made a mistake and should have been happy with our current family. Can I do this? Can we stretch our money even further? Is my sanity gonna survive? Are my kids going deal with the change ok?? Am I a first trimester mess? Please let me know if you are struggling as well, would be nice to hear your story💋