If you conceived with preseed help

Kay • Newbie Mom To A Prince Named Kaysin 👑 🤍👶🏼

Just trying to figure out when I should actually use the preseed and ovulation strips this cycle. How much should I use, how many days... etc .

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Use the opks when your period finishes. I usually took one around 10 am and another in the evening. And I used preseed or conceive plus everytime we had sex, which was most days. Start taking folic acid too! I'm 23 weeks now


Alex • Sep 24, 2018
My periods only lasted 3 days sometimes 4. I never ovulated when predicted so that why I did it from the day my period finished. And lh gets higher throughout the day so it's good to test in the evening too. You can get a pack of like 30 on Amazon for less than a fiver


Kay • Sep 23, 2018
Congratulations .. My menstrual is short normally 2-3 days 30-32 day cycle. Fully Came Friday just spotting here and there now. I order ovulation strips but didn’t know I needed to use twice a day so I got about 10 just to start thinking I used them during O week only 🤦🏽‍♀️


Posted at
we used preseed during ovulation and I used opks twice a day after my period ended. The first month was when I established a pattern to expect for the future so I knew when. to expect my peak


Desiree • Sep 24, 2018
opks aren't necessary but they'll help you determine the best days to ttc


Desiree • Sep 24, 2018
I just used whatever the directions had as the suggested dose. it was pretty small. we also used it as regular lube during sex


Kay • Sep 23, 2018
I Normally feel my ovulation happening just never knew that’s what it was. How much preseed did you use in grams each time ? Is it mandatory to opks everyday til leak ? I bbt also only when I dont forget to pack with With my night bag