Idk anymore

Okay so all of my friends either had a relationship or at least have 3 crushes in the school year and I really can’t relate bc the last time I had a crush(it was on a guy that I have know for 2 years and we were best friends) it didn’t end well and he ended up saying that we shouldn’t be friends. It really hurt me emotionally bc at the time I was going through some thing already and I guess that it was a big change in my life and I kinda put a wall up I guess when it came to liking someone???(btw that was like 4 yrs ago)Anyway one of my friends( that I have known for a while but not for so long) just told me that she was questioning if she was bi or not and that triggered smtin I guess and it got me thinking on who I like and now I am just rly confused bc I guess I don’t rly care abt gender but at the same time I wouldn’t wanna go as further than embracing (or sumtin like that) unless it was a guy... HELP PLS I AM CONFUSED POTATO