Cleaning your Vaginal Canal?


I’m sexually active and on the Pill with my partner, our sex is amazing and nothing is wrong not hurting or anything,

but there always like ‘old blood’ left inside even 2 weeks after my period has ended.

And a Metallic smell and the blood will always be brownish like and not fully fluid.

I have no idea why it stays inside of me.. I’m washing carefully the area all the time, I keep clean and I even tried to clean inside with a tampon pulling it back and forth and it almost always comes out even a bit dirty..

I don’t feel any pain at all during sex, after sex no pain in any part of my body I’m a very active person nothing is changing that I can feel..

My partner is my first, I’m a small person and he is pretty big but perfect size for me he does gets really deep and we can feel it but it never hurts. It’s been 2 month since my first and same 2 month with the Pill.

Is it still my body reacting to this change?

I’m 21 even before the pill my period been on schedule never had period problems.

Or should I find another way to clean?

My partner doesn’t mind it but it is un-comfortable to clean after sex and see a dirty towel..

I do have an appointment to see a doctor but wanted to ask before that.

Thank you for the help!