
I was doing okay checking my glucose but the past two evenings I've had a very difficult time. I start getting emotional and crying before testing lol...but my numbers came out fine. This morning and early afternoon, I had no difficulty pricking myself though (perhaps being groggy helps?) and my numbers were great. 
However, just moments ago, I prepared my meter and lancet and worked up the nerve to prick myself. I had massaged my finger a little to get enough blood but the test strip didn't pick it up and I got upset...and realized I had to build up the courage to prick myself again. So I got a new test strip, prepared the lancet, but I struggled pushing the button. I must have sat there for a few minutes holding the lancet holder to my finger, trying to will myself to push the button. I started to sweat. I felt my heart pounding, and I asked my husband to do it. As he took the lancet from me, I changed my mind, because I got more anxious at the thought of him doing it. Finally, I managed to push the button and there was so much blood. Startled, I held the test strip to my finger and it read 145. I panicked even more. I quickly reached for a new test strip, clumsy from my alarm. Finger still bleeding, I held the new strip to the blood. 161. 
Now I'm realizing I had anxiety for my GTT and that probably is what affected my numbers. My doctor messed up my first test. It wasn't the right one, and they had drew blood three times for it. So for my 3 hour I was nervous because the first test left purple bruises where they drew blood and they were going to have to draw blood from those areas again...4 times this time.
On top of that, I've always been an anxious person. My pregnancy, especially my first trimester and end of second trimester, has been very stressful.
Now I'm wondering how harmful my stress has been on baby, and if my stress & anxiety monitoring my blood sugars is going to do more harm than good. 
Anyone else have anxiety and notice it affecting their numbers? Did you manage to control it?