Five month old waking up every couple hours


My baby girl had had a regular sleeping routine since two months old. We got to the point for a little while where she would sleep up to five hours straight before waking up to nurse.

The last couple of weeks, my daughter has been waking up every two to three hours at night. She isn’t crying... just waking up and chatting to herself. I’ve tried letting her just talk it out but that doesn’t always work. Most of the time I end up just nursing her because she falls right back to sleep.

Naps have also become an issue. She was on a schedule with the babysitter, taking one morning nap and one afternoon nap. Recently, she’s started really fighting those as well. When she does godown, she sometimes only stays awake 20-30 minutes.

There is so much information about sleep regression and sleep training, it’s overwhelming. I would like to know what kind of advice you moms have for a baby who won’t stay asleep.