Teenage Sister 👯‍♀️


Hey guys, it’s been a super long while since I’ve been on this app. But I have a question/dilemma if you don’t mind helping me with. My little sister is 14 years old and set to be 15 in January. She’s your typical teenager (attitude, rebellion, etc) but my current concern comes from her and social media. She has a face book. And it’s not really regulated by anyone. I noticed that her friend list consists of what looks like to be spam accounts (the ones from across seas(usually from African and middle eastern countries)) and grown men around my age, I’m 22. I want to be able to get through to her so she can be aware of who she’s adding as friends on Facebook. She’s 14, she doesn’t know anyone from overseas and she doesn’t/shouldn’t know any grown men my age. I can’t really get my mother involved because she might definitely blow it out of proportion plus she’s very traditional and her discipline might not reach my sister in understanding that the Internet is not necessarily a safe place. I don’t want her in jeopardy of another person using her picture or even information as they please. I need advice from parents with teenagers and teenagers themselves, and those who are neither. I appreciate it in advance.