93 Days Late??? 🤷‍♀️


Yeah. Mother flipping CD 93. I’ve spotted TWICE this month already, each time for around 6 days, but it has been either super super light pink and just a drop or two, but mostly brown. There was one time that it was bright red and I was thoroughly convinced my period was legit coming, but no. 🙇‍♀️ Does this happen to anyone else? I’ve been cramping randomly the ENTIRE time since my last period. I did natural progesterone for 2 months before all this, and all it did was make me have 2 periods per month. 🤦‍♀️ Pretty please someone tell me what the crap to do?! I feel my body trying so hard to make a period happen, and it just won’t. What can I do? I’m eating healthy, and I work out 4 days a week. I drink a detox teas some days, take my vitamins... what am I missing?