Feeling down!


So my fiancé and I have been trying to have a baby and it hasn’t worked so we put it on the back burner and decided we are gonna focus on the wedding first well we’re getting married November 21st. Life sounds great right!?!? Well here’s the thing. His family loves me. They tell me I’m so good for him and his grandma adores me and wants nothing to interfere with the wedding plans so she wants to pay for it. Well when we announced the date and everything his mom said “I’ll keep you guys in my prayers” and questioned why I would even pick that day. But followed it up with “well I’m happy for you” I don’t doubt at all she cares about me. When she calls she always tells him to tell me she loves me. I don’t at all feel not loved. But just recently his little sister got engaged and his mom snap chatted me photos tell me how she’s so excited to be apart of their beginning and how happy she is..... made me feel a little down because we got “I’ll keep you in my prayers”. Well tonight we found out the same sister is pregnant.... I want so bad to be excited for them but I can’t help but be disappointed and a little upset. I know god has everything planned and I’m trying so hard to be patient and excited for others but it’s like when we finally have something we’re excited about and want to share the excitement someone out does us and we’re left in the backyard. It’s like we’re the ones getting married in 8 weeks but all we hear about is his sisters exciting news. I know I’m just pouting and I’ll get over it. It just makes you feel less important.