Tough night

So, first I totally lost track of time and let him sleep for 4 hours! Usually he is fussy by hour 3 because he's hungry. I try not to let it go more than 3 without feeding & diaper as he's 2 weeks old and needing to gain weight.

Well poor little guy must have ate too fast and my boobs pour out milk so fast if he moves his head I get soaked. Ugh. So he spits up a whole ton for the first time 5 minutes after I dress him. 😣 So now I'm freaking out about that. Finally got him to sleep around 1130 & an hour later he's up. And he's soaked. Just opened another pack of diapers in a different brand and I'm thinking they suck... I may ditch them.... He screamed his head off when I changed him. Like made a huge mess because he was thrashing everywhere so I couldn't get ointment on his bum to prevent diaper rash... Ointment would up all over me him and the changing table and clean diaper. Sigh. So exhausted. Can't keep my eyes open. No patience left. I can't stand the way my boobs just Leak like crazy. I'm sick of being literally soaked in milk no matter what I do. I'm desperate to sleep even 2 hours. I'm just losing it. I want to cry right now. The stupid pads I bought suck. Like literally everything feels like a disaster. Sigh. I knew it would be hard but nothing can prepare you for these 1 am mental breakdowns. 😭