Tell me what you think

I’m 15 days late for my period, still have negative tests results, have multiple pregnancy signs and symptoms, had thick milky white discharge with no smell to it at all about a week after my missed period day, nauseous after sex and eating, even gagged after sex once and it made my husband feel bad because he thought I found him repulsive (he’s so sexy to me), my belly is tight and everything, did I just ovulate weird? I took ovulation tests for a straight month because I didn’t know if I was ovulating at all, they all looked the same way each and every day. Now I’m just wondering what the heck I’m doing with my life and trying to eat right just hoping I’m pregnant and my husband is through the roof right now with excitement, and idk what to do, I want to make an appointment with the doctor but I don’t have health insurance right now. Has anyone experienced this and found out they were pregnant later on? How much later on? I just need some hope, prayers and baby dust 🤞🏽👶🏽🤰🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽 my last period was on 8/13

Pregnant test from 9/23/2019

Pregnancy test from 9/24 ⬇️⬇️

Pregnancy tests ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Ovulation tests ⬇️⬇️⬇️