Am i asking to much of my husband?

So, my husband and I are both in school full time, he works 40 hrs a week and I work about 24. We have two young daughters a 6 month old and a 3 year old. on my days off I cook, clean, take care of the kids and also manage to get all of my studying and homework done. I only ask my husband to keep the bathroom clean, keep the trash tamed and to wash the dinner dishes.If I do not ask him to do his weekly tasks, he won’t do it. My husbands great with the kids but he is ridiculously lazy when it comes to house work! I have to ask him repeatedly to do his part, and most of the time he gets annoyed and says I’m “nagging him”. Not only is he lazy when it comes to house work sometimes he makes really immature choices, like some nights he’ll stay up late watching tv, so the next day he’s tired and really no help to me.Since he puts off doing his homework while the kids are in bed, we sometimes have to put off doing family activities so he can catch up on his work. Lately I’ve been super disgusted by him, we haven’t had sex in a month and I don’t even want him kissing me. Every time I tell him that his laziness and immaturity is starting to get to me, he tells me I’m being dramatic. I’m mostly venting but I also need some advice. Am I really being too dramatic ? What would you ladies do? I love my husband but I’m sick and tired of his laziness.