OPKs also confusing this month 😣


Okay so here is last months. I usually get a day or two of “positives” then a very strong surge where my line is much darker than the control line. I O’d cycle day 18 last month

(Scroll down to see this month)

So this month, I started testing around CD15? And these are my tests. I never got a huge surge, and now my lines are pretty light. It’s so hard to tell because my lines are always on the dark side. I did have a little bit of O pain around CD16-17 and yesterday (CD18) I felt this weird tugging type pain on my left side. So I hope I DID ovulate, but I’m confused how I missed it as I have been testing twice a day. We’ve only BD’d twice, idk. 🤷🏼‍♀️