Birthday and Infertility 09/25/18


I decided to start my fertility process on my 34th birthday 🎂..

My husband and I have been trying to conceive for a while now. I had our first consultation with a fertility specialist..

Day 1- met with Dr. A, who advised me of all the steps to take and what to start with. He also performed a vaginal ultrasound where he advised me that my endometrial wall was thick possibly due to me not having a cycle over 3 months now! 🙄 he also advised me that I have a cyst on my right ovary and just wants to watch it for right now.. we also did blood work to test for the regular stuff and I also opted to test for genetics (which is not mandatory) just wanted to rule out everything..

Due to not having a cycle Dr. A prescribed medroxyprogesterone that I have to take for 10 days after the 10 days I should have a period 3-5 days after completing medroxyprogesterone.. but before I can start taking the progesterone meds I have to wait until my blood work comes back to show that I’m not pregnant 🤰🏾.. (go figure, that’s why I’m here to begin with) ...... patiently waiting for the call from Dr.A with the go ahead to take the meds. I’ll post an update afterwords...


My doctor has just t given me the ok to start taking provera and also that my vitamin D levels were low. So I have to start taking it now


Day three of progesterone is making me have crazy weird dreams.. I just can’t wait for my cycle to start already !!


After taking the progesterone for 10 days my cycle finally started just as Dr. A, said it would.. my husband is scheduled for a semen analysis on Friday and I have my HSG testing on Tuesday.