It’s my damn turn 🖕🏼

Bethany • 💑TTC baby number one since October 2015, currently trying clomid, please feel free to read my post to hear more about my experience 🙏🏼 ‼️opinions are welcome but there is zero need to be rude‼️

Im sure most of you ladies can relate to this but here goes my daily rant 🙃😂

I love my friends and family and all the beautiful children that come with it but I’m really struggling to not become mega bitter about it.

I’ve got a friend with 2 girls whose saying she wants a third baby but not if there’s gonna be a big age gap. Must be nice to feel like you have any say in it whatsoever.

My other friend has a 9 month old son, tells me she is pregnant with baby number 2. She’d wanted a second child close together but was surprised at how quick it happened. Again, must be nice.

My brother and his fiancé decided to start trying in new year and somehow announced their pregnancy on new years day and she is a week old now. While they were on the maternity ward doting over their daughter I was being told that I have to wait until January and be put onto clomid, failing that <a href="">IVF</a>. If neither work, its game over for me and then i wiped my tears and strolled over to see them and the baby and they told me I’ve been visiting too much.

I’m just so fed up, I’ve done everything right. I’ve bought a house so my child will have a safe home and I take care of myself and track all my data SO WHERE IS MY BABY AT?!?!

Rant over