I’m sorry Baby Boy

I’m sorry my sweet little prince. I’m sorry for he ways I have failed you and the ways I continue to fail you. I’m sorry I couldn’t provide you a room to yourself or anything a typical nursery has. I’m sorry your crib is so plain. I’m sorry we don’t have the means to give you an entirely themed room with the cute chairs and shelves and toys. I’m sorry you have the bare minimum when it comes to toys right now but we’re trying our best. You have your jumper/bouncer and all of the books and binkies you could imagine, we have a few plushies and a rattle but we don’t have a rocking chair or horse, we can’t give you a little car or things like that. I’m sorry you don’t have a proper standing high chair and that we only could get you a portable one. I’m sorry we can’t give you the world but we’re doing our best. Your dad is doing everything he can to provide for you and us. To give you the world he can. To raise you right. Maybe next year we can have our own home with a yard. I’m sorry that I’ve failed you so far. Please don’t resent me if your future siblings have their own room when you didn’t as a baby. I promise when we move that the I will make your room as special and amazing as possible. I love you more than life itself. I’m sorry I have failed you.