Unsure if I should go through with fertility testing

I’ve been TTC for just a little over a year now.

I’m just curious as to how many of you would get fertility testing knowing you can’t afford treatment anytime soon? I have some exams scheduled but it’s going to be around 400 dollars if not more. I know I can’t afford treatment right now, and even if I could in the future, I’m not sure I want to go through with it. I’m thinking if there is something wrong, it’ll help me relax and stop stressing all the time because I’ll have the mindset of just being done trying and realizing there’s nothing I can do about it (although it’s hard to control that so who knows). If they don’t find anything wrong, that’s definitely good news, but I know I’ll still be struggling dealing with how it’s taking so long to conceive.

What would you guys do/feel about it if it was you (or if it has been you)?