Boys and mixed signals.

Ok so I am coming to all you lovely people for advice.

I like this boy and I have for about 4 months now. However, I have never heard of him having a girlfriend ever. I think this is because he has vitiligo and is probably a bit self conscious about it. I don't care about the way he looks though because he is such a nice and funny person.

For the past month he has been giving me mixed signals. We flirt a lot and make lots of eye contact in lessons but that's it. We don't talk outside of school and we tease each other a bit but I enjoy that and think he does too. I try hard to make conversation and he either talks a lot or a little.

I really do like this boy but I don't think his friends like me and I don't think they'd approve of us, even if he wasn't giving me mixed signals.

I really would like something to start between us but I have anxiety and could not ask him out or tell him I like him because I am terrified of rejection. It's my last year before college and I might not see him again after this year.

My bestfriend is my wing-woman and says nice things about me in front of him and makes small jokes about us flirting ( to which he doesn't deny or tell her to stop).

I have no idea what to do and I doubt you will have all the answers. So I guess what I am asking is do any of you have advice? Have any of you experienced this before?

Thank you for taking time to read this!