Ugh I'm so ticked off

First of all I'm 38 plus 5 and I'm showing no signs of labour or dilation or anything. I'm not working. I live at home with my parents and two siblings who are both in highschool. So yes I'm home all day. Since being off work I've been doing a lot more stuff around the house. Cleaning. Dishes. Cooking. Laundry. Vacuuming. Fine.

Well today I had a doctors appointment. Then some errands. Picked up some groceries that the household needed. Bought some baby clothes. Came home. Made dinner. Set it aside and then went for a nap. My siblings came home. Heated up their dinner, did homework, and then went to watch tv. Dad comes home. There is one pot, two forks, two knives, two plates, and two cups in the left side of the sink. He screams at me calling me lazy for not having the decency to wash off those little dishes. I was like really? You have two other high school aged kids who have been home for 6 hours and used those dishes. They could have done it. And he got so mad at me saying how irresponsible I am for expecting a 14 year old and a 17 year old to wash dishes when there is a 20 year old (me) in the house. Keep in mind. I literally cooked dinner, cleaned the kitchen, took out the trash, and swiffered today and cleaned two bathrooms. But I'm so lazy. So I said from now on I'll stop helping out and you guys can see how much I actually do when you're not home.