Am I being too harsh?

So my baby shower is in November & we’re already planning & getting everything ready. The problem is my mom & mother in law BOTH want to plan it. The both have very different ideas.

My mom is actually getting things going ex: looking for venues, getting decorations etc.

While my mother in law has done nothing but just give opinions & complain. She wants a fancy venue but doesn’t wanna help pay (all the grandparents are planning to pay for the baby shower)

she wants a say on the day the baby shower will be to accommodate her sister that lives out of town (I’ve agreed even if it interferes with my moms schedule)

she has tried to change the theme me & my husband have picked MULTIPLE times & ignore when we tell her we don’t want her theme or try to do our theme but ends up changing it to her liking

She has even gone as far as telling my husband who he can invite & who he can’t invite (he obviously didn’t agree with her & shut it down)

I want to tell my mother in law that we don’t need her help planning the baby shower but I feel bad because it’s her first grandchild too

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