RANT...not sure what to do??

So my husband and I have been together for almost 4 years and married a few months now. I have always been the "money maker" in the relationship as he has always struggled to keep a job because he's an introvert...He really can't stand being around people for long and when he does his anxiety is through the roof. Which I never minded but we are now falling behind on bills. He has had roughly 6 jobs since we have been together (could be more, I lost count) and he is thinking of leaving his current job as they were cutting hours due to lack of work. I know he wants a job that can guarantee hours but I just need him to stay at this job so we can catch up on bills and stuff. Not only is that an issue but he somewhat refuses to do any household chores. He will say he is going to do something and when I get home he's like I'm sorry babe i was really tired or i had no energy since you weren't around. Like seriously wtf. I work 10 hour days sometimes more and he expects me to do everything. How do I go about telling my husband he needs to suck it up and stay put and start helping around the house before I lose my shyt!