I had jinxed myself


So last year in October I had my first miscarriage and every since then I’ve been trying to conceive it was sooooo hard😩😩😩 so it was my birthday month and I told my fiancé what if I get pregnant after my birthday. May 29 was the day I was supposed to have my period . But I didn’t I was spotting and thought I was coming on but I didn’t. The next day my fiancé asked me did I come on I told him no it’s probably late me not thinking of or about pregnancy. So days passed its been 6 days . On June 4th my fiancé was like go take a pregnancy test I’m like ok (thinking it’s going to be negative) so as I dropped the pee on the stick I instantly saw the 2 lines appear my heart dropped and I was in tears 😭 so I still waited 3 mins to go back to get the test to give to my fiancé ( My Fiancé has 3 boys with his kids mothers) so i showed him and he looked surprised because he thought I will never get pregnant and he was shocked . The next day we went to the doctor and I was 5 weeks pregnant 😭 . He was praying that I have his baby girl and I did too . 3 days ago we went to the ultrasound to see what the gender was and I guess all my genes took over and I’m having his baby girl !!!!!! BABY AARALYN 💕💕💕 can’t wait to meet her 💕 God Gave us our precious gift and my rainbow princess 💕💕 I’m so grateful and blessed for what god has done !!💕❤️ I’m 21 weeks and 2 days and oh yeah my baby was weighing 1 pd at 20 w 6 d ❤️.