Landlord question

Long story short... I moved out early this year and gave a 30 day notice. I NEVER renewed my lease from when it expired in 2017, the landlord then only renewed it in the system WITHOUT me signing anything.

So now they have a new landlord and regional manager. I've been going back and forth with them about this going on a month now and still no resolution. They say they're gonna call back and never do.

Prior to getting a new landlord the regional manager was at the complex and promised she'll call me back and never did.

Well today I finally got in contact with the new landlord and fast forward a little bit. She's now telling me I have to pay for the months of rent thru my expiration date. TECHNICALLY my expiration date was last summer 2017.

So tomorrow she says the regional manager will be there and I can speak with her about it. Which is the first last that never called me back. What is your advice?

Not glow related, just looking for advice

EDIT** The lease would've been good for a year, but I NEVER signed a new lease agreement. They only thing they is what he put in the system. At this point it's with collections.

**Update** I went to the office and explained the story again for the millionth time and also forwarded screenshots of the message from the old landlord confirming I was moving out before my lease expired because she had someone for that apartment. So I was told i'll get a callback monday or Tuesday with an update. I'll keep you guys posted.