Worried about depression

Hi everyone

I’m not sure where else to turn with this at the moment. I’ve never been diagnosed with depression but I do suffer from anxiety. I am functional with it and most people would probably tell you I seem upbeat and confident outwardly. I’m now into a year of TTC and my doctor is now getting involved (waiting on blood test results and then a referral to a fertility clinic) but this, coupled with unrelated problems in my wider family that seem to be laid at my door a lot right now, is really starting to take a toll on my mental health.

I guess I’m just after some reassuring words or some advice really? My family keeps telling me I’m worrying about nothing but I’m feeling more and more anxious as each period comes and I’m starting to feel very tired and sad a lot. I cried this morning about practically nothing and I’m finding it quite difficult to not be angry or annoyed by small things.
