Out of the Ashes


My husband and I nearly divorced almost 2 years ago because of long term infidelity. I can say, I gave up it all up to the Lord. I learned to trust His plan for our marriage and for my husbands heart. His Word and the Holy Spirit guided me, comforted me, gave me strength to get through what seemed to be the depths of hell.

Fast forward, our relationship isn’t perfect and my husband is always batting demons, but I have seen him become a different person. A man who is learning to love God as our all powerful perfect creator. A man who is pouring his time and energy into his family.

Ladies, God is our redeemer and restorer. Draw closer to the Lord even I hard times. He will guide you and be there for you always!

I share this story because after all we’ve been through God has blessed us with another child. I’m due may 22 2019, and we are both overjoyed. This child to me is a representation of God’s mercy. He has restored our marriage and redeemed my lost husband. Glory to God!

With that said, if we have a boy his name will be

Elias Reed. Elias- the Lord is my God Reed- to us will stand for Redeemer