Husband not onboard?

I’m so confused. My husband one day is up to see what happens with unprotected sex a couple days later he is so against nonprotected sex. We’ve been married 5 months. Always had conflicting opinion on when to start trying (part of which he admits he is from a small town (originally) and the only sex Ed he has had is high school, have unprotected sex- you die type stuff. I haven’t been formally been diagnosed with PCOS but been told by 2 MDs that’s likely (I’ve been i college and moved around a lot so definite diagnosis has been hard). Anywhoo, he’s so hot and miss- and i just don’t know how to articulate that it might be very hard to get pregnant for me, especially when half the month he insists on a condom and half the month it doesn’t matter? It’s giving me whiplash- either get on board or dont? Anyone relate?