Please what to do.


I have a doctors appointment Monday and hopefully they can tell me what it is. I’m so hoping to hear “congratulations Mrs. Pittman your pregnant” coming out of the mouth of the doctor/nurse. I was told that I have developed 4 more fibroids totaling 8. With one being 5cm. The rest are 1 to 2 cm. I’ve changed my diet stop eating beef and pork. Started taking yam pills to shrink them. Drinking sour sop tea, a lot of water. Cutting back on alcohol, I did a lot. But I keep feeling like it’s not enough. So my husband graduated from basic Army last week. And it was a lot of baby making to do. Lol. A day later I ovulated. I knew I did cause I felt it. A week later I’ve been getting a lot of continuous dull cramps in my lower pelvic area. And yesterday and today it’s been lower back pain on top of being gassy and tiny bit of nausea in the morning. I’ve never felt this way before. EVER. I don’t know if it could be my fibroids and if they have grown. I keep having dreams and seeing signs of me being pregnant. (Big believer of sign) I’m not due for my AF till the 5th. It’s very early for me experience these symptoms 11 days before my AF. I didn’t want to tell anyone but I bladded it out last night to two of my friends cause they wanted me to go have drinks with them. Idk and I pray everyday that it is. I took two pregnancy test and they were negative. I’m going crazy over this wait lol. Has anyone experienced this as well. What to do.