
Soooo, I was wondering if any of you pregnang ladies ever get so PISSED off when someone eats up your food all the time!? LOL I know its kind of a stupid question but mannnn do I ever get so irritated when I try buy myself good healthy food and make it last, some fucking asshole always has to eat most of it. I can never make my healthy foods last here.. Its like I have to race to my food and eat it all at once so noone else gets to it! Sucks living with people lol I cant wait to get my own place with my little family so I can just relax and not have to worry about someone stealing my food LOL. I get supper annoyed really easy and most of the time feel like screaming at the top of my lungs to tell everyone to FUCK RIGHT OFF lol thats what sucks about being pregnant and hormonal I guess.. I must sound like a crazy pregnant woman? hahaha anyone else out there that can relate?