Baby Pressure on Bladder


Hey all! 20 weeks pregnant here... wanted to ask about everyone else’s experience.

I’ve been feeling a LOT of heavy pressure on my bladder. I’m sure it’s normal to a certain extent, but I feel like I have to pee a lot about every hour or so.

Here’s the thing though.. I THINK the baby puts a lot pressure on my bladder sometimes because for a second or two I’ll feel an extraordinary need to burst and then it’ll go away and I don’t feel like I have to pee at all. And when I do, it’s a tiny amount!

Other times however, like this morning and last night, the pressure was so strong that I literally almost went on myself and had to run to the bathroom.

Is it this intense for everyone? As far as I’m aware, I don’t have UTI based on my last urine test... I’m a teacher and don’t have opportunities for regular bathroom breaks, so I’m worried it’ll get much worse than this!