Weaning and constipation

Hippie mumma 🍃

My little boy was ebf and usually pooped every 3 days but it would change.

We started purees 2 weeks ago (just organic fruit and veg) he was pooping ok at first - weaning poo is gross isn't it! Its still all mushy.

But now he hasn't pooped for 5 days.

He had a tummy ache two days ago and was screaming for hours, and some discomfort the next day too. I'm not sure if it was gas or constipation though.

He doesn't suffer with either normally!

I gave him prune puree the last couple of days but it hasn't done anything.

I guess his digestive system is getting used to something new. He's only had one meal a day until now but he's a very hungry baby. I go milk, puree, more milk.

This week I want to start on two purees a day.

How long is it normal to go without pooping before it's troublesome?

Should I do anything to help other than prunes or just let him work it out?

I was going to start probiotics and adding some turmeric to some purees. I also do bicycle legs and baby massage tummy rubs