Did I take the test too soon?

Taylor • Happy to have a cycle tracker :)
Hey ladies! So i'm on a contraceptive pill, and last week I stupidly had sex with my SO, unprotected, during the 4 day sugar pills that are meant to trigger your period. I had just gotten back on the pills after a month of being off them, so my period probably wasn't going to be during that specific time. It was a few days before It was supposed to come, as I had recorded it on Glow the last month, and I was hoping my period was close enough that my fertility level would be very very low. He came inside me 3 times during the night I got to see him (we currently live 2 hours away due to meeting at college while living in different towns... Though we plan to move in with each other in a week 🙌). Well... It's been almost a week now and still no period. I'm now almost on the second week of the protected pills... I took a pregnancy test yesterday since I'd looked up when I could take it and all the websites had sad "the first day after your missed period". Well that had been about a week ago... Though maybe since we'd had sex on the day I was supposed to get it I needed to wait until next month...? Anyway, the test showed negative. But i'm still a bit nervous... Did I test too early? 😰