You are more then your sexuality


I had to move schools to this very small town and I’m not shy about my sexuality. I won’t parade it up and down the hallways but if you ask me, I’ll tell you straight up. So I make friends with this group of girls and they ask me. So I tell them I’m bi and they start freaking out and telling me about this girl they know. She’s the only gay person they’d ever met and they wanted me to hook up with her because “it would be so cute!” This girl and I have nothing in common, there are no similar hobbies or interests. It just bugs me so completely. I’m irritated and annoyed and I can’t understand why and I’m just so confused. So I message my group chat of friends from my old school and explain the situation and tell them how much it’s bothering me, even though I know these new girls just don’t realize, because they haven’t been educated. And my friends respond with one single sentence—“You are more then your sexuality.” And I don’t know, but that really resonated within me for some reason. I felt the need to share it with all of you.