Baby doesn’t participate during tummy time anymore

AnnaMarie • I`m AnnaMarie. Married 10/14/2017, and our son was born 7/20/2018. 💙

My little guy turned 10 weeks old a few days ago, so just over two months. I started tummy time with him as soon as his cord stump fell off and his circumcision healed. He has great head control now and I know he can lift his head and even a little bit of his upper body. Problem is, for the past couple of weeks anytime I try to do tummy time he just lays there. Sometimes he’ll kick his legs but that’s about it. I’ve tried getting down on the floor with him and enticing him with toys and a mirror. It doesn’t phase him. I’m gonna call the pediatrician tomorrow but I wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts on what could be going on?