
Ladies. Im frustrated and probably over thinking.

In sept beginning of sept i found out i had trich. I got antibiotics for 5 days every 8 hours. I took them for 3 days every time i was supposed to. I had an accident in another town and didnt get to finish my meds. All the symptoms i had of it ( nasty smelling cm, super super itchy and bleeding, horrible burning when i peed) went away for a few weeks then they all came back besides the smell. I called my ob nurse and she told me the trich probably went away and it was a yeast infection so i got monistat and itching instantly went away but i had burning when i went pee so i went to the e.r and they said its most likely just a uti so ive been on antibiotics since friday morning. I was dry down there then today i noticed i had milky slightly yellow cm. Is this normal during a uti??? I havent had sex in over a month.