I need to report my rape

4 years ago i was the victim of 2 separate rape accounts. I never reported it. I feel the need to do so now but I don’t know how to do it. Do I call 999? Do I call 101? Please can someone tell me what to do. I suffer with really bad anxiety and depression (not a result of what happened) and recently it has been causing me to have many, many severe panic attacks. I need to report it and get it sorted because I can’t keep going on as if nothing happened because it did. I’ve finally realised that and I’m ready to come forward. I just need to know how


I rang the police station and spoke to a lovely lady on the other end. She said that an officer will be sent out but they’ll ring me before hand to arrange a time and date etc.

It’s currently 19:15 and I rang them about 2pm and haven’t had the call yet but I’m still hopeful

**update 2**


The police have just rang me to arrange a time and place to come and see me but they need to hand it over to a different district as I was originally going to carry it out from my friends house but have decided to do it from my own which comes under a different county 😒 the officer was lovely though and said he’ll do what he can to see if they’ll be able to come out tonight still or not due to priority. Now waiting for a call back from the my district police