Ok so this may be a bit confusing ..

Ok  I'm on a 22 day cycle (which I didn't know meant i ovulated like inmediatly after my period. So my period was the 24-28 of July. We didn't use protection because at the time my husband said he was finally ready to have a baby. I ovulated the 31st of July. Well we had sex agian the 2nd of August except now he tells me he may not be ready and to probably take the morning after pill. At my dr they use Ella which is ok up to 5 days after sex. My problem is that he's not taking into consideration we could have had sperm and egg meet on the 31st and that I'm already 5 days past ovulation. He wants to prevent pregnancy for when we dtd on the 2nd but if I take Ella will it also destroy anything that has implanted from the 29th? I wouldn't want anything that's already implanted to be wiped away. Does that make sense ? Please lmk advice is welcome. Id like to wait a full 5 days after sex on the 2nd (so Aug 7) because Ella should still work then but I want to know if I'm already pregnant or implanted before I take it. Would I be able to tell from a test that soon ?