Please give me some advice :/


Hey guys! I am pregnant with my second child I am only 4 months. I am 25 and my husband is 26 we haven’t had sex since I got pregnant...

4 months is a long time to me. We’ve never ever went that long. Ever. When we first got together 5 years ago ofcourse we didn’t it like rabbits like all the time like we couldn’t get enough of each other. He hasn’t even tried to get close to having sex the past 4 months and it was definitely a “chore” when trying to get pregnant. He promises me he doesn’t look at porn, i don’t agree with it and it would be a big issue if he did I look through his phone but I find nothing.. he works for Ups And I know he’s tired a lot but 4 months without sex??? He’s got to be taking care of hisself or doing it with someone else. Which he ISNT we are together 247 and very much in love. But there is NO physical anything between us anymore. I’m still attracted to him. I think about having sex with him.. I confronted him tonight and asked why and he says I’m “difficult” well I’m sorry but every couple has argued and we have hit rock bottom before and still had sex. There’s days where we get along like best friends but you can tell the thought of sex never crosses his mind. It’s like we’re just really good friends paying bills and raising a kid together. I feel lonely. I don’t feel loved. And he doesn’t make me feel “wanted”. Has anyone else relationship gone through this before? Obviously no one has the answer for me. Only he does and he just won’t tell me the truth.... I NEED SEX I long for his physical attention I’m so used to not getting it though but it’s starting to worry me I mean he’s a MALE males loves sex! Please someone help me! :/