Am I wrong?

I read that smoking can decrease a man's sperm count as well as the speed in which the sperm can swim. I also read that breathing in secondhand smoke (he smokes in the car with me) can effect my fertility as well. I have PCOS and I have been working on eating right and getting my A1c (I have diabetes too) to a controlled number before starting to TTC. I got the go ahead from my doctor in June so I went off my birth control and started taking prenatal vitamins and doing everything I can to make sure me and body are ready to house a baby for 9 months. I asked my fiance to quit smoking once I got pregnant and he agreed. Well after I read that it can effect both of our fertility I asked him to quit smoking sooner. I understand quitting smoking is hard but he hasn't even made an attempt to quit. All I was asking was for him to attempt it and he said no and wanted to wait til I was pregnant. What if I can't get pregnant because his smoking is possibly effecting both of our fertility? I already have PCOS, I don't need anything else working against me. Am I wrong for asking him to quit sooner?