I want him home.


So my boyfriend and I got in an argument and I kicked him out. He didn’t miss a beat and moved back with his sister. We’re still together, though. So he’s living at his sister’s but we both enjoy him sleeping over. Technically, he’s spending all his time at my house. So I pleaded with him to move back and he’s said no, that he’d like to teach me a lesson. (This is the second time it’s happened) I’m now living alone and I don’t like it but it’s something I suppose I’ll have to get used to. Now, I’ve told him no more sleeping over. That he’s welcome to my house to hang out but not to sleep over. He’s mad because he seems to think I’m taking other people’s advice over our relationship, or worse that I’m using this as an excuse to cheat on him. I want him home with me, period. But he’s made it clear that he intends to stay at his sister’s and that’s fine. But I’m not gonna be putting up with him staying only when he wants when he could very well just move back in with me. I’ve made it clear that if he agrees to move back home, everything will be split 50/50 but he insists on staying at his sister’s since he only has to pay $200 for rent. I love him so much and I just want him home with me again.