Should I feel bad?

My aunt and grandma came over to meet my baby. Grandma held her for all of 5 minutes and my aunt held her for 1 minute before she got vey upset so I took her.

Next I went to feed, change, and burp her, and then I rocked her to sleep because it was time for a nap. I pretty much held her while she was sleeping until my aunt and grandma left. She woke up right before they left and they talked to her and said goodbye while she was in my arms.

Neither of them held her again for the rest of their visit (which was about 2.5 hours long) and I'm feeling guilty. They drove an hour and were so excited to meet her & hold her. I mean, they did both get to hold her...just not for very long. I'm probably overthinking this because of hormones, but I wanted to see if anyone else would feel guilty about this.

I also think I have some mild PPD so I wasn't the most sociable person. 😩