Birth control making me dry? Tmi

K so weird title but I didnt know how else to word it. I've been on bc for awhile and I've never tried any other kinda of bc. Right now I'm on the nuva ring and I thought I liked it, cuz I only had to switch it once a month.

When my husband and I have sex I never get as turned on at I used to. We always have to do alot of foreplay for me to get wet, but it still isnt enough and most of the time still need lube.

The 1 week I have to take out the ring for my period, but my period usually dont show till 3 days later. When we have sex when my ring is out, i get turned on so crazy fast. Like he'll touch my boob and I'm wet.

So my questions... do u think its actually my bc doing that or not really?

Is all bc like that?

What other bc would u recommend?