First Fertility Appointment


Hi all,

So today my husband and I went for our first appointment at a fertility clinic. I thought I'd write how it went so anyone considering going has a more or less idea of how it works (I'm sure there are different protocols at different clinics).

So when we got there, I had fill out a medical history form that asked about any illnesses or diseases (both physical and mental (hypertension, diabetes, RA, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, etc), as well as any previous surgeries or treatments (laparoscopy, sperm analysis, etc), and any previous pregnancies.

I also had to fill out a questionnaire, answering questions such as "do I feel like a failure for being unable to conceive", "do I blame my partner for being unable to conceive", "has the TTC journey been stressful", "am I optimistic about being here", "will I blame the facility if the treatment doesn't work", "if the treatment doesn't work, will we consider adoption/ surrogacy/ egg donation/ sperm donation", "do we have a good support structure", etc. It was about two pages of these kinds of questions.

Once in with the doctor, he first described to us exactly how the conception process works, and what could possibly be the reasons for being unable to conceive. After that, I had a quick exam (exactly as when you go for your yearly check up).

For me personally, he picked up that I had small cysts on my ovaries (which have been there for years) and a small amount of liquid in my uterus. He said that's an indication of endometriosis BUT it was such a small amount and I don't have any other issues so he's not going to be concerned with that right now.

Anyway, because we've been TTC for only 14 months, we have taken a "conservative" course of treatment. He gave me a three month prescription for Chlomid, and we did a sperm analysis for my husband. We ALMOST weren't able to do this because they said they only take samples until 10:30 (I guess they schedule these tests due to the fact that they can't sit and wait) and we only saw the nurse at 11:30. Luckily we explained that the doctor was running an hour late and we would have been done on time if he hadn't been so late so they allowed it.

While my husband was busy, the nurse explained Chlomid to me. I am to take it from CD4 - CD8 and then start testing from CD10. I am to try stay away from painkillers but if I must, only take paracetamol as aspirin counteracts the Chlomid. She said to act as though I am pregnant once I start taking it so take the prenantals, no drinking, etc.

She also explained that the two days following a positive ovulation test are the most important. She said it's best to BD daily if possible AFTER getting a positive test. 

So that was that. Now we just wait on the results of the sperm analysis. I have to wait until the end of the month for my next period to start the Chlomid so let's see.