Should I tell him she cheated???

This boy I used to text just got a new gf a week ago. Me and him never fell out but we just don't really talk anymore. On Saturday I was at a disco and no one from my school was there but his new gf was. She ended up kissing about 6 boys there. Me and my friend who is friends with the girl btw thought she would probably break up with him cause she seemed to really like one of the boys she got with, but on Sunday she posted a picture about how much she missed her bf at the disco. He goes to my school and she doesn't and now me and my friend are the only ones who know she cheated. He seems happy but Should I tell him???? I don't like him anymore but I still don't want to see him get hurt like that because he has had a gf cheat on him before. I know it's not my business and I should keep out of it but if I was in his position I would want someone to tell me.