Fwb shall I or shan’t I?

Been ‘fwb’ with this guy for 5 months now and it’s like being in a relationship we kiss, cuddle, sleepover and go out on dates! Everything you do with a boyfriend?!?

Question is do I bring up the dreaded ‘what are we?’ Or leave it for him to bring up to save myself the embarrassment or ruining what we have!

Think I just hate this feeling of not knowing and think he might be too!

he’s a real gent but he’s obviously had some bad bedroom experiences with erectile disfunction as he hadn’t been able to preform before being with me (took a few weeks for him to be comfortable enough to get it up)

so I get that he said to be just friends to save himself the awkwardness that’s happened with previous girls!

We have been real open with each other sexually due to me being raped and not wanting to sleep with anyone since or being attracted to men ( happened 3 years ago and didn’t tell him until I was ready ) and him with his issues.

Sometimes feel like I’m too messed up for him to want to be with me in a relationship way!😔